- 518ElevatED
- A Wing and a Prayer Animal Rescue
- Abandoned Children's Fund
- Abbe-Freeland Animal Sanctuary, Inc.
- Abortion Federation, National
- Abused Children's Fund, Inc.
- Acadiana Concern for Aids Relief
- Action Against Hunger-USA
- Adirondack Council
- Adirondack Land Trust
- Adoption Center, National
- Affordable Housing Partnership of theCapital Region, Inc.
- African American Cultural Ctr-Buffalo NY
- African Wildlife Foundation
- Agricultural Stewardship Association
- Aid for African Catholic Missions
- Aid for Trash Dump Children - AnUnforgotten Fund
- AIDS Research Foundation (amfAR)
- Albany Community Land Trust
- Albany County Opportunity
- Albany Damien Center, Inc.
- Albany Fund for Education
- Albany Institute of History & Art
- Albany Jewish Community Center
- Albany Therapeutic Riding Center
- Alcohol and Substance Abuse PreventionCouncil of Saratoga County, Inc
- Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation
- Allergy and Asthma Network/Mothers ofAsthmatics
- Alley Cat Allies
- Alley Cat Rescue
- Alliance for Lupus Research, Inc.
- Alliance for Positive Health
- Alpha Pregnancy Care Center
- ALS Assocation, The
- ALS Association, Upstate NY Chapter
- ALS Therapy Development Institute
- Alyssa's Animal Sanctuary Inc.
- Alzheimer Disease & Related DisordersAssociation
- Alzheimer's Assoc NENY / Albany
- Alzheimer's Assoc of Central NY
- Alzheimer's Association
- Alzheimer's AssociationHudson Valley Chapter
- Alzheimer's Foundation of America
- Alzheimer's Research Foundation, FisherCenter
- American Association for Cancer Research
- American Bible Society
- American Bird Conservancy
- American Cancer Society
- American Center for Law and Justice
- American Civic Association
- American Civil Liberties UnionFoundation
- American Diabetes Association
- American Diabetes Association / Albany
- American Fdn for Suicide Prev
- American Heart Association
- American Heart Association/AlbanyNortheast Affiliate
- American Humane Association
- American Indian College Fund
- American Indian Graduate Center, Inc.
- American Indian Youth Running Strong
- American Jewish World Service
- American Lung Assn of NYS/Albany
- American Lung Association
- American Near East Refugee Aid
- American Red Cross/Albany
- American Red Cross/Utica
- AmeriCares Foundation, Inc.
- America's Best Charities
(100 Smith Ranch Road San Rafael, CA) - America's Best Local Charities
- America's Charities
- America's Vet Dogs - The Veteran's K-9Corps, Inc.
- Amnesty International of the USA
- Animal League
- Animal Legal Defense Fund
- Animal Place
- Animal Protective Fdn of Schenectady
- Animal Rescue, Inc.
- Animal Welfare Institute
- Animals for Adoption
- Annual Awards
- Annual Awards Auction Items
- Anxiety and Depression Association ofAmerica
- Apes Alive: The Primate Rescue Center
- Arthritis Foundation
- Association for the Blind andVisually Impaired
- Autism Society of the Greater HudsonRegion
- Autism Speaks
- Autism Speaks/New York
- AutismUp
- Autoimmune Diseases Association
- Bat Conservation International
- Battenkill Conservancy
- Be The Difference
- Berkshire United Way
- Best Friends Animal Society [UT]
- Bethesda House of Schenectady
(834 State St Schenectady, NY) - Bethlehem Community Fund
- Bethlehem Senior Projects, Inc.
- Beyond Pesticides